Common Name: Malaysian Box Turtle
Latin name: Cuora amboinensis
Native to: Southeast Asia and Indonesia
Size: 8 - 10 inches
Life span: 30 - 35 years
General appearance: The Malaysian box turtle has three yellow stripes on the head. The carapace is dark olive in color.
Housing requirements:
Enclosure: The Malaysian box turtle requires at least a 20-long aquarium. The aquarium should provide half land and half water, with a minimum depth of 6 inches of water. This may be achieved using pea gravel. Plants may be added to make the enclosure more attractive.
Temperature: The water temperature should be maintained at 80° - 85° F. Temperature on land should be at least 78° F.
Heat/Light: It is important that adequate lighting is provided. Lighting must provide UVA and UVB for proper skeletal and shell development. Incandescent lights may be used to provide basking spots. Ceramic emitters or under-the-tank heaters may also be used to heat the enclosure.
Diet: Malaysian box turtles are omnivorous. Various mixed greens, fruits in limited quantities, mushrooms, crickets, and wax worms can be fed to this species. It is recommended to offer food once or twice a week.
Maintenance: Changing the substrate and water when soiled is a must. Handlers are advised to wash their hands thoroughly after handling any reptile or reptile cage furnishings.