Common Name: Long Tail lizard, Long Tail Grass Lizard
Latin name: Takydromas sexlineatus
Native to: Southeast Asia
Size: Six to eight inches long with ¾ of the length being the tail
Life span: If taken care of properly, long tail lizards can live five years or more.
General appearance: The overall color of the long tail lizard is brown with a possible greenish hue. There are stripes going down the long tail lizard's back that is normally brown with white and black bordering the stripes. Their tail is usually about ¾ of the length. The underside is usually creamy white. They have a triangular head.
Housing requirements:
Enclosure: A minimum of a 15-gallon enclosure for a single long tail lizard. It is important to have a secure fitting screen top for air exchange.
Temperature: The ambient temperature should be 75° - 85° F. The basking site should be 90° - 95° F. During the night the temperatures can fall to 65° - 70° F.
Heat/Light: Because long tail lizards are awake during the day it is important to use a full spectrum bulb. Ceramic emitters, under the tank heat mat, and incandescent bulbs can be used to achieve proper temperatures. Hot rocks are not recommended.
Substrate: Coconut fiber, peat moss, bark chips, sterilized soil and paper towels are all considered to be suitable bedding.
Environment: Long tail lizards are ground dwelling lizards and should mimic a sparse forest habitat. Plenty of hiding spots and branches to climb on should be provided. They should have about 70% humidity in their tank.
Diet: Gut loaded crickets, wax worms, mealworms, butter worms, red wigglers, and earthworms can all be fed to the long tail lizard 3 times a week.
Maintenance: The enclosure should be spot cleaned daily. A thorough cleaning should be performed on a regular basis. A 5% bleach solution is an excellent disinfectant. Be sure to thoroughly rinse the enclosure before replacing the substrate and placing the long tail lizard back in the enclosure. Hand washing after handling the lizard or any cage furnishings is essential.