How to care for Green Tree Frog

Common Name: Green Tree Frog

Latin name: Hylidae cinerea

Native to: Southeastern United States

Size: 1½ to 2 inches

Life span: 2 - 5 years

General appearance: Small bright green frog with a white stripe along each side. May have golden spots on head and body.

Housing requirements:

Enclosure: Minimum 10-gallon tank (taller rather than longer). Glass aquariums work the best. Foliage is a must. Sticks, branches and driftwood provide climbing room. Arrange branches where foliage provides hiding places.

Temperature: 72° to 75° F is desirable.

Heat/Light: Green tree frogs are nocturnal so no special lighting is needed, except for viewing purposes. If desired, you may use an under tank heating pad with a rock situated over the heat source. Or a 15-watt nocturnal heat lamp may be used.

Substrate: Potting soil, astro-turf or reptile carpeting may be used. Avoid Reptibark due to danger of ingestion.

Environment: Semi-tropical. Mist daily with dechlorinated water. A small water dish should also be constantly available

Diet: Green tree frogs are insectivores and will eat anything they can fit in their mouths. Dust crickets with calcium & vitamins 3 times a week. Feed frogs daily.

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