Aquarium setup: Thorichthys helleri (Heller's cichlid) is best kept in a planted aquarium. Plant the aquarium using hardy plants. This species likes to dig and it is therefore recommendable to place stones around the plants to prevent the Thorichthys helleri (Heller's cichlid) from digging them up. Use rocks and bogwood to create caves and hiding places for the fish.
Feeding: Thorichthys helleri (Heller's cichlid) can usually be trained to accept pellets.
Breeding: Thorichthys helleri (Heller's cichlid) is a substrate breeder that reaches sexual maturity late. The hardest part in breeding Thorichthys helleri (Heller's cichlid) is to get a pair to establish. They lay their eggs on a flat surface or more often in a cave. The female guards the egg and fry while the male keeps other fishes out of their territory. They are usually good parents. Feed the fry newly hatched Brine shrimp.